luni, 24 martie 2008

Ecumenismul in Romania

The Ecumenism in Romania

Looking through mass-media we so often see or hear about the “advantages” and “beauty” of ecumenism. If ecumenism was so sincere and desirable to the believers, why has it to be imposed? It is imposed downwards, on unspiritual ways, using as well clerks under the influence of global politics. For a better understanding of the way some hierarchs spread the ecumenical doctrine, here is an event that took place in Romania. About the means used by bishop Sofronie to impose his opinions, let’s hear the confession of an orthodox monk from the county of Beius, who was abusively resigned by Oradea’s new bishop (look for details on Romanian sites and blogs):

Wednesday, October 31st 2007, at Oradea’s Saint Cross Orthodox Monastery took place the inter-confessional meeting between Orthodox and Greek-Catholics.
Before starting the Conference, the Greek-Catholic bishop greeted the present priests and the superior nun of the monastery – the host – asked for his blessing and kissed his hand. When he reached me, I asked what his intentions were and he answered they were good. Of course, his good thoughts were exactly what bothered us for years, the law-suits. Orthodox bishop Sofronie Drincec considered my question as impudence toward the guest.
In the beginning was read the document in which the Greek-Catholic Episcopal Office claimed from the Orthodox Church the retrocession of some buildings ( churches, parish-residences etc.) during which I showed my discontent regarding the exaggerate demands and mainly the existing law-suits. Being seated in the front row, my words were overheard by my bishop, who criticized me to the joy of the Catholic bishop. I apologized for speaking without having been asked. I would have liked to speak out but was not allowed, only the chosen got the floor. The meeting followed peacefully and in the end, the two bishops signed a document we didn’t get to see. All we know, through the press, is that the two bishops recognized each other’s “ecclesiastic dignity”.

Tuesday, November 13th, during the meeting of priests in Beius, was discussed the modernization of Church and the Orthodox bishop of Oradea, Sofronie, presented “the positive aspects of ecumenism” and the necessity of setting up new Orthodox bishoprics across the river Prut. Meanwhile, the bishop mentioned that during an inter-confessional meeting in Brussel, he was congratulated for the ecumenical results of the Oradea conference at Saint Cross Monastery of October 31, 2007.
In the second part of the meeting, bishop Sofronie told the present priests about some disobedient clerks that do not follow the directives of the Holy Synod regarding ecumenism. As an example, he mentioned Petru Voda Monastery as “turbulent”, letting us understand that we shouldn’t go there, nor listen to father Iustin Parvu’s words. One of the present priests said: “But in Romania 90% of the monks and nuns are against ecumenism”. The answer was: “I’m not surprised because 90% of the monks are illiterate and uneducated”. Following this, the bishop underlined the importance of preparing the future monks in theological schools. (Unfortunately most of these are affected by ecumenical heresies and their mission is to form students in a global and syncretistic view). The same priest mentioned that most of the books that fight ecumenism appeared with the blessing of members of the Holy Synod. Bishop Sofronie answered: ”if these hierarchs will give further blessing for this kind of books they will find themselves removed as penance to a monastery”. That moment a deep silence spread. Many of the priests got concerned, even afraid that this might be the beginning of a new dictatorship under the mask of penance. I also wondered what was going on and where the limit between penance and dictatorship was. The Holy fathers say that obedience goes until sin. I received the right to speak but was authoritatively interrupted after the first words: “You shut up. I know the spirit you are talking in. We shall talk in private after the meeting. You, as a monk, have to be humble and not contradict me. I am bishop.” That moment I knew my suspicion that a new dictatorship follows was becoming stronger. I only asked for the right of expression but it was denied.
At the end of the meeting bishop Sofronie asked me in the office where only a few people assisted. I was newly warned to keep silence.
Next day I received the decision of dismissal from the father superior position along with the interdiction of service and preaching in the neighbor villages.

At the Beius meeting I left the room for about 10 minutes. Afterwards I found out that during my absence bishop Sofronie recommended the priests to avoid visiting father Iustin, Arsenie and other “so-called father confessors who do nothing else than confuse people”.

In spite of affirming that Holy fathers were ecumenists, bishop Sofronie didn’t substantiate it.
And a question: was father Staniloae uneducated? Because he said: “ecumenism is a product of freemasonry”.

Fr. Eftimie Mitra

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Privind in massmedia auzim mereu despre "frumusetile" si "avantajele" ecumenismului. Daca acest ecumenism ar fi sincer si dorit de credinciosi de ce mai e nevoie de impunerea sa silita? Aceasta impunere se face de sus in jos pe cai lumesti folosindu-se si fete bisericesti supuse politicii globaliste. Pentru a se intelege mai bine felul in care, unii ierarhi "propovaduiesc" ecumenismul, in cele ce urmeaza vom exemplifica un caz real petrecut in Romania. Despre felul in care PS Sofronie isi impune opiniile in noua sa eparhie este suficient sa urmarim marturia unui calugar din zona Beiusului care a fost demis de catre noul ierarh al Oradiei in mod abuziv (detalii se pot gasi pe siteurile si blogurile din Romania):

Miercuri 31 octombrie 2007 la manastirea Sf Cruce din Oradea a avut loc intrunirea ecumenica la nivel de dialog interconfesional intre ortodocsi si greco-catolici.
Inainte de inceperea conferintei episcopul unit cu Roma a salutat preotii prezenti iar maica Mina Badila, stareta manastirii (gazda) a cerut binecuvantarea arhiereasca a acestuia dupa care i-a sarutat mana. Cand a ajuns in dreptul meu l-am intrebat: "Cu ce ganduri ati venit?" iar el mi-a raspuns ca a venit cu ganduri bune. Bine inteles ca gandurile lui bune erau cele ce ne tulburau pe noi de ani de zile, si anume PROCESELE. Intrebarea mea a fost catalogata de catre PS Sofroniu ca "obraznicie" la adresa musafirului.
In introducere s-a citit cererea Episcopiei Greco-Catolice de Oradea de restituire a unor imobile (case parohiale, biserici etc.) de catre Biserica Ortodoxa. In timpul conferintei mi-am manifestat nemultumirea catre un preot care statea langa mine fata de pretentiile exagerate ale greco-catolicilor dar mai ales fata de procesele pe rol. Fiind in randul din fata cele ce am spus s-au auzit pana la masa Prea Sfintitului Sofronie. Pentru acest motiv am fost criticat de catre ierarhul ortodox ceea ce l-a satisfacut pe episcopul catolic. Mi-am cerut scuze pentru ca am vorbit neintrebat. As fi dorit sa iau si eu cuvantul dar nu s-a putut. Au avut dreptul la cuvant doar cei randuiti. Sedinta a decurs in pace si liniste. La sfarsitul intrunirii, intre cei doi episcopi s-a semnat un document care nu a ajuns si la noi. Ceea ce stim din presa e ca cei doi episcopi si-au recunoscut reciproc "demnitatea eclesiastica".

Marti 13 noiembrie in cadrul sedintei preotesti de la Beius s-a discutat despre innoire in Biserica si PS Sofroniu a prezentat aspectul "pozitiv" al ecumenismului si necesitatea infiintari unor episcopii si mitropolii ortodoxe peste Prut. Cu acest prilej PS Sofroniu a amintit preotilor prezenti ca in timp ce se afla la o intrunire interconfesionala de la Bruxel a fost felicitat de organizatori pentru rezultatele ecumenice dintre ortodocsi si catolici in urma conferintei din 31 oct. 2007 de la manastirea Sf. Cruce din Oradea.
In a doua parte a sedintei PS Sofroniu a povestit preotilor despre unii "razvratiti" care nu se supun directivelor Sf. Sinod in ceea ce priveste ecumenismul. In acest sens a exemplificat manastirea Petru Voda pe care a prezentat-o ca "turbulenta" dandu-le de inteles preotilor ca la aceasta manastire ar trebui sa nu mearga si nici sa ia in seama spusele pr. Iustin Parvu. Unul dintre preotii de fata a afirmat: "Dar in Romania, peste 90% din calugari si calugarite sunt impotriva ecumenismului". Raspunsul ierarhului a fost: "Nu ma mira, deoarece acesti 90% dintre monahii din Romania sunt analfabeti si inculti". In continuare PS Sofroniu a vorbit despre necesitatea pregatirii viitorilor monahi in scolile teologice (Din pacate majoritatea acestor scoli sunt afectate de erezia ecumenista si scopul lor este de a-i forma pe elevii si absolventii unor astfel de seminarii intr-o gandire globalista si sincretista). Acelasi preot a mai spus ca multe dintre cartile care combat ecumenismul sunt aparute cu binecuvantarea unor membri ai Sf Sinod iar la acestea PS Sofroniu a raspuns: "Daca acesti ierarhi vor mai da binecuvantare pentru astfel de carti se vor trezi mutati de canon intr-o manastire". In acest moment in sala s-a asternut o tacere. Multi dintre preotii de fata se ingrijorau dar, in acelasi timp se temeau ca nu cumva acesta sa fie inceputul unei noi dictaturi sub masca ascultarii. In acest moment m-am gandit si eu oare ce se intampla. Pana unde merge ascultarea si de unde incepe dictatura. Sfintii Parinti spun ca ascultarea merge pana la pacat. Am primit si eu dreptul de a vorbi dar nu am apucat sa termin nici macar prima fraza deoarece mi s-a spus autoritar: "Sa taci. Stiu ce duh te stapaneste. Vorbim dupa sedinta intre patru ochi. Tu ca si monah trebiue sa fi smerit si nu sa ma contrazici pe mine. Eu sunt episcop". In acest moment banuiala ca urmeaza o noua dictatura s-a intarit mai mult. Am incercat sa-i cer doar dreptul de a ma exprima dar nu m-i s-a dat voie.
La sfarsitul sedintei PS Sofroniu m-a chemat in birou unde am discutat intr-un cadru mai restrans. Am fost avertizat din nou.
A doua zi m-am trezit cu hotararea episcopului de a ma demite din functia de egumen, de a nu avea voie sa slujesc si sa predic in satele invecinate. Ma voi stradui ca in cat mai scurt timp sa raspund in scris acestei hotarari.

Intr-o perioada a sedintei de la Beius am iesit din sala. Lipsa mea din sala de sedinte a durat aproximativ 10 minute. Dupa sedinta am aflat de la cei ramasi in sala ca in acest timp PS a "sfatuit" preotii sa evite vizitele la pr Iustin, Arsenie si alti "asa-zisi duhovnici care nu fac altceve decat tulburari"

Cu toate ca PS spunea ca Sfintii Parinti sunt ecumenisti nu a demonstrat aceasta.
Si o intrebare: pr Staniloae e incult? caci a spus : "ecumenismul este produsul masoneriei"

ieromonah Eftimie Mitra

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